Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A turning point

When you have 3 kiddos only 18mths apart it can be pretty hard at times, I think we've reached a turning point at our house. The girls are getting older, talking more, listening a little better and O is having more fun with them. He loves 'showing' them stuff and 'helping' them do stuff although most times they don't want help. They are more interested in what he is doing and are starting to understand their boundaries with his stuff. I can leave them alone in a room for longer periods of time and don't have to worry about someone getting hurt, it's getting a lot easier for me. Don't get me wrong there is still plenty of crying but I am noticing they are all enjoying each other and O often asks when he can wake the girls up, I think he is bored without them around. I am hoping we have many more photos like this.

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