Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Town

We went to Busch Gardens today, Christmas Town is their version of winter wonderland. Although the kids are still a little young to enjoy it we figure we probably won't be here for Christmas next year so we went to check it out. The park was decorated really nice and the music was very festive, it was pretty crowded for the day after too. The kids had a good time looking at everything but there wasn't much for them to do there. O was too stubborn to go on any of the rides, the girls went on both the carousel and the swings. If only they were a little older while we were stationed here I think they would have a blast.

And yes K did bring her baby with her and at one point we lost her and I almost went into panic mode, we CAN NOT loose baby, but we found her where we had been previously, thank God! That rag Kev is holding is actually baby, K would surely die without her...

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