Thursday, December 24, 2009

Big Day

I had to take the girls to the doctor yesterday afternoon (10 day cold driving them nuts) so I decided to drop O off with daddy at work. He is in heaven with his dad at work he asked all day long when it was time to go, 2:30 made for a really long time. Well here are some photos that they took, I've never even seen the jet with Kev's name actually on it, pretty cool huh! You may ask what O is doing in the 2nd picture, well he's rubbing his mittens in a puddle of jet fuel. Yes while Kev is taking these amazing photos of his very own jet O is soaking up jet fuel with his mittens, perfect! Although he came home very stinky and I made him eat dinner with no clothes on he had fun.

On a side note F was fine just a lingering cold and poor K has a pretty bad ear infection. They have both been troupers as usual and only slightly grouchy, hopefully they'll both be feeling better by Christmas morning!

O took this picture of Kev, he does after all have his very own camera at home to practice with.

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