Friday, January 1, 2010


Kev and I decided we'd play scrabble on New Year's Eve, so exciting I know! Anyway Kev got to start the game and this was the first word he put down, oh boy it's gonna be a long game. I don't think he'd ever actually played before although he insisted he had. The game did get better but there were several more words we had to check on in the dictionary he wanted to use, most of them did not exist. I am not a great speller by any means and now we know neither is Kev, our kids are in trouble come homework time.

Aren't K's toenails just DAVINE??? This is the first time we've ever painted them, I was painting my fingernails and of course she had to have hers done. She sat like a statue while I did them and we blew on them to dry. She couldn't really walk at first because she couldn't figure out what was on her toes but she quickly got used to them and was showing them off. I asked F if she wanted me to paint hers and she said 'no no' 'no no' but I'm sure she'll changer her mind a little later, what girl doesn't love a great pedicure.


  1. Hahahaha! That's hysterical... it's like playing scrabble with MY husband who makes up his own words or morphs slang and proper english together... And K's toes look soo cute! Ohhh so jealous that you have a girl!


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