Monday, January 4, 2010

BIG boy resolution

O has a big time resolution for this year, he's finally going to sleep in a 'big boy' bed. He's been jumping in and out of his crib since he was 20mths but would not even entertain the thought of a bed. We've tried several times and he wouldn't even lay down till he got his crib back. He is a big time creature of habit and one little thing can really set off his routine. Well new year's day he came into our room and said he was ready for a big boy bed, not like he knew it was time for a resolution. So here we go, I hope it works out this time!

You may notice he is also growing his hair out longer than we usually keep it. He is actually terrified of getting his haircut and I am his barber. It's not a pretty sight once the clippers come out he goes crazy, we usually have to restrain him and just get to it. So to not torture him for a little while we're gonna let him grow it out. As soon as it starts getting warmer the whiffle will be back, whether he likes it or not. This is gonna big a big year for O!


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