Friday, January 1, 2010


People always ask me what kind of necklaces my girls wear, they get tons of compliments on them. Being the fashionista that I obviously am (haha) they are not really for look but instead serve a very important purpose in a baby's life. They are amber teething necklaces and I SWEAR by them, I wished I had known about them for O too. You can read more about them here, that is where I got theirs. Even Kev wears one for headaches he'd been having. My girls are never cranky from teething and don't need anything for their pain besides their necklace, I've never taken it off them since the day we got it.
Don't mind the crazy pictures but they were what I could find to see their bling.


  1. I always heard crazy things about those eagle necklaces....could they be true??



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