Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The VA Aquarium

We took the kids to the VA aquarium on sunday, it's been super cold out here and we were sick of being in the house.  O fell asleep on the way down, the car has this magic effect on him it happens every time.  K held his hand the whole way there it was so precious!  She also held F's most of the time, well when they weren't hitting or touching each other.  The aquarium was kinda a bummer but they seemed to like it and that's all that matters.

This is the touch tank, the kid took his job very seriously and was talking to my kids like they were adults, they were very interested in what he was saying.  Something about horseshoe crabs being older than dinosaurs, millions of years old.  They would not touch anything but listened to him talk for quite a while, if only I knew his secret!

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