Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Oddly familiar?

This scene might seem familiar to you

but we didn't have sweet pea at the time, she was still baking in the oven.  Yes the kids wore the exact same costumes as last year, not the plan.  We actually bought new costumes this year, 2 princess dresses and a SWAT get-up.  Apparently bought wayyyy too soon seeing as they've been wearing them for a month now and were in not-so-good shape.  The princess dresses were ripped and dirty and missing most of the accessories, the SWAT get-up was missing most parts as well.  Note to self do not buy costumes too far in advance - preferably the day before Halloween.

Although Kev would probably disagree there is something so fun about trick or treating in a warm climate, you can actually enjoy it.  Everyone in our neighborhood sits outside to give out candy, you hardly ever ring a doorbell and most people have all sorts of goodies for both parents/kids.  Almost everyone dresses up (adults included), it's like a big block party.  The kids got more candy than they could carry, we had to dump their bags in the carriage so they could continue, people are so generous around here.  After hitting a few streets we headed home to give out our own candy and let the everyone play in the street, busted out the glow sticks and had a great night (I think it was around 77 degrees).

Owen, Miles and Keira with our neighbor dressed as a priest whom the kids swore was a vampire (ha!), Finney was not warming up to the idea.  Halloween is so much fun with little kids.

1 comment:

  1. Those must be some durable costumes! The wings aren't even bent! They looked cute as ever!! We enjoyed the weather, too!


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