Sunday, November 27, 2011

Who doesn't....

smash all their leftover Halloween pumpkins the day after Thanksgiving in the street??  We do.  What little kid wouldn't want to hammer away at a pumpkin until they busted it open and the proceed to smash them all over the road?  I would. After Kev finished putting up our outdoor Christmas lights and went inside for a break I told the kids to each get a pumpkin and hammer and go at it.  They didn't believe me at first but I said quick before daddy comes back out (I'm the fun parent can you tell?).  They had a blast until every single bit of pumpkin was smashed and the street was covered with guts and seeds. We then did the responsible thing of cleaning up (you didn't think I was gonna just let them leave it like that did you, Kev would surely kill me).  They loaded up their wheelbarrel and dumped it into Miles' garden for compost and besides a few seeds you would never know.  I'm not afraid of a little mess and always want my kids to be kids while they still can.

look at the smile on Keira's face

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