Monday, December 5, 2011

He's back

Elfie has been with us since Thanksgiving night, now that the kids are older we've decided to step it up a notch.  He flew in on Owen's Hess jet and left a trail of marshmallows all over the house, the kids couldn't believe the mess he'd made (I didn't get a photo cause the snatched up the marshmallows too quick).  Here are a few other things he's been up to:

 notice the book off to the right of this picture, he brings in back and forth to Santa and leaves messages for the kids in it.

We watched the Elf on the shelf movie the night before he came and it was hysterical, it was about an older brother and twin sisters.  The older brother did not believe and Santa anymore and was not the nicest - he wanted to name their elf stinky pants.  I swear it was a perfect reflection of my three monsters and they really got into the movie.  The little boy ended up touching their elf and he lost his magic, he had to write a letter to Santa asking to please send their elf back and that he was sorry.  The kids are now very serious about not touching Elfie, good thing they didn't see Norah crawling around with him in her mouth the other day!

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