Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blue Angels

Randolph had their air show last weekend, we go to go preview it on friday night - no crowds, perfect for us.  We got to see the blue angels practice up close, no earplugs (who's daddy is a pilot and knows how loud this would have been??).

Norah was miserable from the noise and Finley was none too happy either - time to move on to the static displays.

Owen wanted to make sure I got the machine gun in the photo.

The mighty Eagle, the best plane at the whole show of course!

Since we're not around heavy planes a lot it's amazing to actually see how enormous they are in person, pretty impressive.

The kids don't know how lucky they are to be able to see this stuff up close, it's a part of their life that they've grow up with and get to experience whenever they want.  Most of our friends are Air Force pilots as well so they think everyone's daddy flies fast jets, little do they know.

1 comment:

  1. AMAZING! Yes, those little ones are definitely spoiled with these experiences! I'm sure my jaw would drop to be so close to those planes! (I'll let you know about the costumes! Considering keeping them around for dress-up clothes - as if we don't have enough already!)


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