Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Halloween

The kids wanted to wear their costumes the other day so I bribed them, what mom doesn't bribe their kids all the time?  Sure you can wear you costume but only if you let me take some pictures outside and you look at the camera.  All agreed and it went OK, minus the looking at the camera part.  O has finally decided he will be a fighter pilot since we couldn't find a bobcat costume anywhere, go figure.  I think he has worn his "costume" almost everyday since he got it, he even wears it outside to do yard work with Kev.

Anyone want to guess how many houses we'll make it to this year?  Last year we didn't go to a single house, just walked around which was just fine with me since I don't like the whole loads of candy idea.  This year O is very into it and the girls are too, we walk around the neighborhood every night to look at all the spooky stuff, the more gory the better in their eyes.  Kev takes them to the "spooky store" on weekends and they love all the stuff there.  People here in TX really get into Halloween, I mean houses totally decorated and everything, the kids love it.  I better step it up a notch for next year since ours is the most boring house in the neighborhood.  We are having friends over for dinner and then going out trick or treating so maybe we'll last a bit longer this year.

1 comment:

  1. They are so beautiful! Luke says he likes Owen's pilot suit...and that Luke will be in the French Air Force, but that he thinks Owen will be a good American pilot...


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