Monday, October 4, 2010

Corn Maize

We took the kids here on saturday afternoon since it was relatively cool for this area (high 80's).  They had a blast although nobody was really interested in the corn maze after about 5mins and we could not find out way back out.  Funny because when Kev and I lived in Del Rio we used to drive past this place a million times on our way up to San Antonio and now we were leaving San Antonio to drive back towards Del Rio to get to the corn maze, not much has changed on hwy 90.  It was a fun little family farm with plenty of festive activities for the kids, ultimately O like the sandbox with dump trucks the best but I could have told you that.

notice Kev and O want to go 2 totally different ways

 O loved jumping on the hay bales, the girls were not as adventerous

 As soon as we got home O was asking when we could go back, success in my book.

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