Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pa's here

My mom and pa came for a quick visit last week, they stayed for two days and then left with O for his two week stay at Noni and Popi's house.  The kids instantly loved Pa, who wouldn't, although they couldn't quite figure out where he fit in (couldn't grasp that he was my Pa and Noni's dad).  One of is hearing aids had broken before he got here so he could only hear half of what they were saying, probably a good thing since the volume in our house is quite loud.  They got their introduction to summer here in TX and are very glad they didn't have to be here for long, it's kinda like being in an oven with a hair dryer blowing on you.

love how peanut is all cuddled up

O getting ready for the airport

We've talked to O a bunch and even skyped with him the other morning (he hadn't seen daddy in a few weeks).  He seems to be having a blast and has already gone fishing, boating on the ocean, gotten lobsters, dairy queen, dunkin donuts, and gone to the beach several times.  He got to spend time with his cousins Hannah and Charlotte (who we've yet to meet) and Uncle Justin and Auntie Courtney too.  He did great on the flight there even with the delay and having to travel longer than expected.  We miss him but will be up to see him in a few weeks!

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