Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blast off!

These next few pictures are a great representation of the kids personalities (not taken intentionally).  Binney is super stubborn or strong willed if you want to call it that, when she's made her mind up there's virtually no changing it.  I forget what she was mad at here (probably what space suit she got to wear) but this photo captures her stubbornness perfectly.

everyone checking out the lights overhead that go off when you step under them (that's why the coloring is weird in the photo)

peanut is already moving on, she has about a 10sec attention span.  O looking to see what is making the lights go off.  Love binney's thinking pose.

 binney is still there, either still thinking (highly unlikely) or just being too stubborn to move, everyone else has moved on.

I think we finally convinced binney to undress and move on, probably with some type of bribe (she totally gets her stubbornness from me by the way).

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