Friday, July 8, 2011


We went bowling for the first time as a family, I thought it would be a fun thing for the kids, little did I know the balls were huge.  This was not the candlepin bowling from back home, I hugely underestimated their abilities.  Nobody wanted to wait until their turn, Binney got her fingers stuck between balls twice, O kept pushing the lane clearing button (once when Kev had just thrown bowled his ball which led to a huge bang from the ball hitting the metal clearing thing). We only made it through one string..

 O is not the best sport, if he doesn't do good he gets mad.  Notice he's not even paying attention to how many pins he knocked down.

daddy helping peanut

where did the pins go?

when is my turn again?

we wised up and got the ball launcher thing

This was at the base and boy how things have changed since I was a kid and went bowling.  We had to put all of our names into the computer, pick a theme for our lane, it kept score for us, when it was the kids turn to bowl metal bumpers automatically popped up, amazing!  Guess I haven't been to a bowling alley in a really long time.

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