Monday, July 25, 2011

Let me do your hair

The girls want to do my hair all the time and while I let them most of the time there are times when doing something else (cooking/dishes/laundry).  Peanut decided sweet pea would be the next best thing so she has now started torturing doing her "hair" as well.  This blow dryer actually works, makes noise and blows out cool air.

"sit still so I can dry your hair"

help mom

"you look so pretty, all done and now you get a pop"

Since O has been gone for a little over a week we've done some girly things that we don't normally do with him.  We went to a breakfast tea here, the girls got tea sandwiches and iced tea (we are in texas after all) and had a blast.  They got their hair cut at a regular salon (no more kids salons for us), which is their all time favorite thing to do (maybe it's the relaxing shampoo that gets them).  We've gone out to dinner a few times, they love going to eat at a restaurant since we hardly ever go with all four of them.  They still ask for brother several times a day and miss him a lot but do enjoy having the run of the house.

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