Friday, July 1, 2011

My week in comments

My kids are close in age, I get it. I have a lot of them, I get it. Sometimes peoples comments make me laugh (or drop some not-so-nice words).

Monday night at the pool - I have a 5mth old baby so I must have shade at the pool, it's over 100 degrees here and the sun will literally burn you skin in seconds.  I see an open umbrella by the lazy river and hurry the kids over to claim it, they are hard to come by believe me.  Next to us are "boyfriends" (being nice here) and I can see the looks on their faces - there is no way this lady is gonna bring all those kids right next to us as we enjoy our quiet pool time.  You betchya I am!  I get everyone ready and all of our junk stuff set up, get sweet pea out of her carseat and into her floaty and we all get in the pool, Fin loudly declares "Mommy I have to go poopie".  Ok, everyone out of the pool and into the bathroom (she has to go every-single-time we are at the pool, no kidding).  Business taken care of and back into the pool, sweet pea is making noise in her floaty and the kids are fighting about who is gonna get to swim to me next.  Boyfriends decide it's time to go for a swim and get away from all our craziness, heck I would too.  Upon passing they say "wow you really have your hands full huh" to which I respond "you can have a few if you want" "no thanks" they reply.

Tuesday morning at Costco - get all four kids out of the car, make the three big kids hold on to the rear bumper while I get sweet pea into the Ergo carrier.  Make everyone hold hands and head into the store, stop at door to show our card which O is holding in his pocket.  Lady behind me is talking to her husband "that lady must really like kids, she has so many and they're so close in age, there's a baby too".   I wanted to respond "I'm just really fertile" but decided against it, we all got situated in the cart and headed in to do our shopping.

I honestly don't feel like our family is that big, I mean 6 kids would be a big family to me.  I guess by now a days standards four kids is a lot but I'd have more if they weren't so darn expensive.  Who wouldn't want a few more like this running around??

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