Friday, May 13, 2011

The best Daddy...EVER

The kids are so lucky (as am I) to have such an amazing Daddy, most guys would not even attempt half of what Kevin will.  A perfect example, Mother's Day.

He came up with a plan to take the 3 big kids fishing so of course they had to get properly outfitted at Bass Pro on saturday morning.  They come home with new fishing rods and various other supplies (I have no idea what, I've learned to not even ask) and begin to "practice" their casting.  With their rods all set up with rubber fish on the ends the casting begins, peanut is actually pretty good.  About every two casts the line is tangled and fish are flying everywhere, great ready to go fishing!

Kev gets up early sunday morning to make me this breakfast from scratch, so yummy!  Gets snacks/kids ready and is out the door.  Trying to give me some time alone with Norah and to get stuff done at the house was the main idea behind the trip.  I get a text a while later "this is a disaster" oh boy.  The next text "Fin has hooked herself twice, O and Fin have already quit fishing and are throwing rocks into the water, peanut is a natural and caught a fish the size of my thumb, we are moving on to the playground".

They come home after a few hours and everyone is so excited to tell me about their trip, they had so much fun.  They were all covered in mud, something about O falling in the water.  I got a lot of stuff done at the house so mission accomplished, everyone survived a bonus.  The next day Kev says I probably shouldn't tell you this but....when the kids were throwing rocks in the water O hit Binney in the head with one, it was pretty big too.  Oh, was she OK?  Ya but I was kinda nervous after it happened.  

Binney is fine, she never even mentioned anything about it so it must have not been that bad.

As a bonus I got a new washer/dryer that I desperately needed, we'd had the same on since we got married 8.5yrs ago.  I wash 6 peoples clothes, two of whom change multiple times a day (Kev and O) and cloth diapers for Sweet Pea, this new set is a dream.  Kev and the kids made multiple trips to Sears to find the perfect one and I'm very impressed!

we got a top loader without an agitator, it fits tons of clothes

is this not the cutest, who would choose disposables when you could use these????

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