Saturday, May 7, 2011

O's last school performance

All three girls and I went to O's school on friday morning to watch his last performance in Mrs Sheppards class.  It was a combined Mother's Day treat too, they gave us our gifts and had a cookie reception in the courtyard when it was over.  I tried to scare warn peanut and binney of best behavior because 1. we were in the chapel 2. Mrs Sheppard is watching them since she'll be their teacher next year, it totally worked and everyone did great.  It was so cute because as soon as O-dog got onto the risers (he corrected us that it was not actually a stage but risers) the girls were so excited and calling out "brother, brother, hi brother".  He immediately responded by waving and they were so thrilled.

Here is a video, Sweet Pea was a little tired by the end and I have her in a wrap on my chest so that is what you can hear in the background.

Binney not wanting her picture taken

O's friend Camden who is also a twin

Yes I really sit them this far apart ensuring their is no fighting or spilling of drinks on each other.  They made a special punch for the Mother's which all 3 kids exclaimed "we are drinking beer", I think the people around us gave me that look but I was too busy to notice.  I did not get the punch so I have no idea what was in it but apparently it was just like having a beer.

peanut making the moves, she is looking for a husband so she can look like a princess at her wedding, boys watch out!

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