Wednesday, May 25, 2011

stats, stats, stats

All three girls had their well visits at the doctor today, I know I'm mildly crazy for scheduling it this way but I did not want to make a million separate trips to the office.  I often wonder while I'm sitting in the office with mostly three and sometimes all four of my kids, how do all these dads get time off work for doctor appointments?  I mean I am not asking Kev to take a day off work to accompany me to the doctor, that is just crazy to me but almost every other person in the waiting room apparently thought I was the crazy one (I'm used to it).  Our appointment was at 9:10 and we did not get out until 11:00, I am looking for a new pediatrician for this reason.

Binney did awesome for her visit, she weighed 30lbs, not sure on the height since we'd started loosing it at that point.  She got 100% on both her hearing and vision tests and was very good the entire visit.  I asked about her speech since she does not say a few letters correctly but the doc said not to worry about it, she speaks great for a 3yo and will eventually get the letters correctly.

Peanut weighed 26lbs, threw a fit about getting on the scale and I have no idea about her height either we were in full up horrible mode at this point.  She refused to do the hearing or vision test and only agreed to let the doc see her after getting a princess sticker.  She wouldn't talk about her age or anything else and was very uncooperative most of the visit, upon walking out she decided she wanted to do the hearing/vision test - not happening.  Apparently today was not a good day for her..

she is showing her muscles

Sweet Pea weighs 12.5lbs and again I have no idea about her length, she was in the 50% so I figure she's good.  She was super over tired for her visit and had to get two shots which was a huge confusion since I do delayed vaccines and they couldn't figure out which ones I wanted.  She was a trooper and only cried with the shots.  
Upon leaving the office we had to head to O-dogs school for his last day of school ice cream party, not good planning on my part but we made it through.  Glad the big girls only go to the doctor once a year!

1 comment:

  1. I do the same with the twins! And I could count on one hand the times F has come to appts. He will go to L's cardiologist in a couple weeks because they want to put him on drugs for his heart.


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