Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Say it ain't so

My first born is growing into a little man before my eyes, literally.  He woke up on monday and decided he needed a haircut, a real haircut, not by mama.  Since it was Memorial day we decided to wait until tuesday to take the leap, I really didn't think he'd follow through with it since he has never even entertained the thought in his 4.5yrs.  Sure enough he was ready to go this morning and off we went.  The girls were all in too since going to the salon is one of their favorite things to do.  After waiting a long time it was finally his turn and he went right into the chair and didn't make a peep, he wouldn't let her use the clippers - scissors only (do you think we've scarred him permanently with the clippers?).

Doesn't he look so old?  I know Kev feels the same way, just this weekend we were in the house while the girls were sleeping and O was out playing with the boys down the street.  Kev says "looks like I've lost my buddy".  I told him it's just that the boys down the street are much more fun, but he is getting more and more independent by the day.  My baby is growing up!

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