Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mother's Day

I woke up to this amazing breakfast, made totally from scratch by Kev, here is the recipe he used.

I also got a Flip video camera that I wanted, we had been taking videos with our point and shoot camera.  I wish I had more videos of the kids from when they were little, they grow so fast.  Now I will have plenty since this video camera is so easy to use and I can keep it with me (it's the size of a cell phone).

We then took the kids to Busch Gardens one last time before we move to Texas, they are just getting to the ages when they can enjoy it and we have to move....
K is for sure our daredevil, she is not afraid of anything.  She would go on every ride if she was tall enough.  O is somewhere in the middle and F is our most cautious, she does not like to do anything too risky unless her brother and sister have done it 1st and she can watch them.  O does go on his fair share of rides, he especially likes the rollercoaster in the Forrest of Fun area.

K has to find the one area of water to play in

nobody else would venture in the big tree and yes that is K with her baby of course

F on a stage laying down with her blankie, make sure you're nice and comfy F!

I had a great Mother's day, being able to see the kids have fun was the best part.  I am truly blessed and couldn't ask for more.

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