Saturday, May 15, 2010

Just another day....

at the beach.  Notice the container ship in the distance with the truck on the far right?  That is actually a British Navy ship to the right, complete with helicopters on deck, the kids were pretty impressed.

Now that the excitement has passed time to look for some crabs

They actually found a few and shrimp too

I asked O if I could eat the shrimp and he said "no they are poisonous mom, you can only eat shrimp from stores that are not poisonous"

we forgot O's hat so he got to wear this awesome one from his buddy Luke, I gotta get a few of these.

F enjoyed swimming with dad and O pushed that crane all over the beach for at least and hour.  

We are getting in as much beach time as possible before we get to TX and are too far away to enjoy it.  The kids do really well at the beach as long as they have some shade and few drinks, F is even warming up to the prospect of swimming but will not let her feet touch the ground (I feel the same way, who knows what's crawling down there).  K keeps right up with O and is way more daring than he ever was a this age.  Kev got to spend some time with us before he leaves for a week to go to Florida for work.  They have even more fun when daddy is with us cause he does crazy stuff with them, I'm booring.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! I agree, I think MY kids had a lot more fun with Kevin than they ever do with me. I just play with the sand, I never think to look for crabs or whatever.


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