Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Girls

The girls turned 2 yesterday, it feels like I was just pregnant with them.  I sang Happy Birthday as soon as I got them from their cribs and they thought it was so funny.  I took them to a park while O was at school and they had a blast (we usually don't go without O so this was a treat for them).  They then got an ice cream cake after dinner, took a few bites and then asked for an orange instead....

they were such peanuts 



Having twins has been so much fun, people often ask how I do it but it's actually easier than having just one I think.  Having twin girls is even better, I hope they will be the best of friends when the grow up.  They have such different personalities but I don't think one would ever want to be without the other.  If one goes in timeout the other tries to sneak in to comfort her (or bring in toys to pass the time).  K is much more outgoing and daring but has to be close to mommy.   F is much more reserved and methodical but don't get her mad!  I know they are going to give us a run for our money as they get older but hopefully they will keep each other on the right track.  We love you girls, mommy daddy and brother

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