Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Say it ain't so

My first born is growing into a little man before my eyes, literally.  He woke up on monday and decided he needed a haircut, a real haircut, not by mama.  Since it was Memorial day we decided to wait until tuesday to take the leap, I really didn't think he'd follow through with it since he has never even entertained the thought in his 4.5yrs.  Sure enough he was ready to go this morning and off we went.  The girls were all in too since going to the salon is one of their favorite things to do.  After waiting a long time it was finally his turn and he went right into the chair and didn't make a peep, he wouldn't let her use the clippers - scissors only (do you think we've scarred him permanently with the clippers?).

Doesn't he look so old?  I know Kev feels the same way, just this weekend we were in the house while the girls were sleeping and O was out playing with the boys down the street.  Kev says "looks like I've lost my buddy".  I told him it's just that the boys down the street are much more fun, but he is getting more and more independent by the day.  My baby is growing up!

Friday, May 27, 2011


It hardly ever rains here in San Antonio, I think I could probably count the number of time it's really rained on one hand (we've been here for a year).  It was slightly misty out last week and the kids were beyond thrilled to be able to use their umbrellas, it's the little things..

Every day so far this week has been in the 100's and the extended forecast shows no end it sight, it's officially summer in Texas!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

stats, stats, stats

All three girls had their well visits at the doctor today, I know I'm mildly crazy for scheduling it this way but I did not want to make a million separate trips to the office.  I often wonder while I'm sitting in the office with mostly three and sometimes all four of my kids, how do all these dads get time off work for doctor appointments?  I mean I am not asking Kev to take a day off work to accompany me to the doctor, that is just crazy to me but almost every other person in the waiting room apparently thought I was the crazy one (I'm used to it).  Our appointment was at 9:10 and we did not get out until 11:00, I am looking for a new pediatrician for this reason.

Binney did awesome for her visit, she weighed 30lbs, not sure on the height since we'd started loosing it at that point.  She got 100% on both her hearing and vision tests and was very good the entire visit.  I asked about her speech since she does not say a few letters correctly but the doc said not to worry about it, she speaks great for a 3yo and will eventually get the letters correctly.

Peanut weighed 26lbs, threw a fit about getting on the scale and I have no idea about her height either we were in full up horrible mode at this point.  She refused to do the hearing or vision test and only agreed to let the doc see her after getting a princess sticker.  She wouldn't talk about her age or anything else and was very uncooperative most of the visit, upon walking out she decided she wanted to do the hearing/vision test - not happening.  Apparently today was not a good day for her..

she is showing her muscles

Sweet Pea weighs 12.5lbs and again I have no idea about her length, she was in the 50% so I figure she's good.  She was super over tired for her visit and had to get two shots which was a huge confusion since I do delayed vaccines and they couldn't figure out which ones I wanted.  She was a trooper and only cried with the shots.  
Upon leaving the office we had to head to O-dogs school for his last day of school ice cream party, not good planning on my part but we made it through.  Glad the big girls only go to the doctor once a year!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Four months

Sweet Pea is four months, crazy how fast time has gone since I've had her.  She's just as sweet as ever, sleeps from about 7:30-7:30 without waking (she's spoiling me).  We have her well baby visit this week and I'm interested to see how much she weighs.

loves watching her siblings play

is starting teething and will chew on anything she can get her hands on, even Daddy's fingers

Friday, May 20, 2011


We went to our first play ever thursday morning, Pinkalicious at the Magik Theatre downtown.  I really debated going but figured the girls would really enjoy it plus it was only 45mins so I figured we could probably make it through.  We had to sit in the first row because there were a million school field trips there as well (my worst nightmare).  While walking through the parking lot, all of us holding hands since I had just given them a big rules talk in the car, we ran into O's buddy from school.  O was immediately excited to be there which helped since he wasn't too thrilled knowing it was a girlish play.  The big kids did awesome and didn't move the whole play, Norah was less than thrilled with all the loud music and I spent most of the time in the hallway with her.  I didn't get too many pictures for that reason but I did manage a few (my camera is acting up and I have to bring it in to get fixed).

waiting for the show to begin

the main character

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Farmers Market

We headed down town to the mid-week Pearl's Farmers Market to check out what they had.  There weren't too many vendors since it was wednesday night but I got some summer squash, zucchini and bread.  I brought the kids a picnic dinner and we let them play by the river for a while, it was a really neat little area that I'd never been to before.

they must have run up and down these steps a million times, run kids run burn that energy

chilling with Daddy

taking a break from running around to come see Norah

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Goats everywhere

I took O, peanut and sweet pea to a goat ranch this morning to see baby goats (Daddy took Binney to a dermatologist appointment).  I think I must have been a goat in a previous life, the pictures will explain.  The first thing the kids got to do was feed the orphan goats their bottles, there were 9 babies that had lost their mothers at birth so were strictly bottle fed (3 sets of triplets).  The ranch owner said it is very hard when the goats have more than two babies at a time both in their birth and then being able to properly take care of all three babies.

I feel just like this mama, wanting to run from my kids too

peanut and O feeding their babies

peanut was so excited

goats came running from everywhere, again similar to my life hardly being able to move without someone being attached to you

it makes a big difference only having to care for one baby at a time (sweet pea)

The kids had such a great time, although we live in Texas we hardly ever see any type of farm or any animals for that matter.  They got to run around like crazy with all the goats and be kids, I'd love to have some type of ranch like this someday.  I asked the owner what he did with all the goats, he sells them to the local 4-H clubs.  They are a special breed of goat used for meat, not milk and they are not cheap (each baby goes for between $200-$300).  I'm going to try to make it back again maybe with Kev and Binney next time.

Monday, May 16, 2011


We have been living in our house for almost a year now, hard to believe.  We I love the neighborhood (Kev is not too keen on it) and have met a bunch of really great friends and their kids.  The one thing that has been missing are boys for O-dog to play with that are within walking distance from our house (most of the people on our street have older children).  There has been an huge influx on new neighbors over the past month and there are TONS of little boys running around everywhere.  There are at least 6 right around our house all between 4-7 years old, O-dog is in heaven!
Kev was gone this weekend looking into future job prospects in MA and I literally only saw O-dog for food/bed.  He would go out in the morning as soon as he heard any noise down the street and not come back until dinner or even later.  Of course I would check on him either from the back porch or walk down the street but he wanted nothing to do with coming home unless necessary.

how cute are they?  

I said I didn't think this was the greatest idea as we live on a substantial hill but Brandon assured me he had his helmet on so he'd be fine.  His parents are always yelling out of the house to him and I didn't want them on my bad side too, he didn't listen to me either.

stopping for a drink/yogurt break

Brandon brought over his monster truck collection, nicely put away in a carrying case.  I asked O why he didn't take care of his monster trucks/toys like Brandon does and he quickly replied "you don't buy me these kind of cases mom".  Brandon is 9yo and is kind of ummmm how do I say this nicely "nerdy" but he and O get along so well and he's so sweet to O-dog.  Brandon also has a "super cool" go-kart that O loves to drive and he thinks O's ATV is great although a lot slower than the go-kart.  This summer is going to be so fun for O once they're all out of school, he's gonna be one tired little boy!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How cute is she????

Not to mention she's the BEST BABY EVER.  She comes everywhere with us and hardly ever makes a peep, she loves watching her siblings play and has even been to the pool with us three times already.  I am one lucky Mama.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

some progress

Our garden is doing great, here are some recent photos.  So far we have tomato, basil, cucumber, fennel, green onions and sunflowers (planted especially for me by O-dog).  I think we're going to need another raised bed soon.

Keira checking on her basil

O showing his cucumbers

Daddy is gone for the weekend and he is usually in charge of watering, I've gotta get my butt out there before everything dies in this TX heat.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The best Daddy...EVER

The kids are so lucky (as am I) to have such an amazing Daddy, most guys would not even attempt half of what Kevin will.  A perfect example, Mother's Day.

He came up with a plan to take the 3 big kids fishing so of course they had to get properly outfitted at Bass Pro on saturday morning.  They come home with new fishing rods and various other supplies (I have no idea what, I've learned to not even ask) and begin to "practice" their casting.  With their rods all set up with rubber fish on the ends the casting begins, peanut is actually pretty good.  About every two casts the line is tangled and fish are flying everywhere, great ready to go fishing!

Kev gets up early sunday morning to make me this breakfast from scratch, so yummy!  Gets snacks/kids ready and is out the door.  Trying to give me some time alone with Norah and to get stuff done at the house was the main idea behind the trip.  I get a text a while later "this is a disaster" oh boy.  The next text "Fin has hooked herself twice, O and Fin have already quit fishing and are throwing rocks into the water, peanut is a natural and caught a fish the size of my thumb, we are moving on to the playground".

They come home after a few hours and everyone is so excited to tell me about their trip, they had so much fun.  They were all covered in mud, something about O falling in the water.  I got a lot of stuff done at the house so mission accomplished, everyone survived a bonus.  The next day Kev says I probably shouldn't tell you this but....when the kids were throwing rocks in the water O hit Binney in the head with one, it was pretty big too.  Oh, was she OK?  Ya but I was kinda nervous after it happened.  

Binney is fine, she never even mentioned anything about it so it must have not been that bad.

As a bonus I got a new washer/dryer that I desperately needed, we'd had the same on since we got married 8.5yrs ago.  I wash 6 peoples clothes, two of whom change multiple times a day (Kev and O) and cloth diapers for Sweet Pea, this new set is a dream.  Kev and the kids made multiple trips to Sears to find the perfect one and I'm very impressed!

we got a top loader without an agitator, it fits tons of clothes

is this not the cutest, who would choose disposables when you could use these????

Saturday, May 7, 2011

O's last school performance

All three girls and I went to O's school on friday morning to watch his last performance in Mrs Sheppards class.  It was a combined Mother's Day treat too, they gave us our gifts and had a cookie reception in the courtyard when it was over.  I tried to scare warn peanut and binney of best behavior because 1. we were in the chapel 2. Mrs Sheppard is watching them since she'll be their teacher next year, it totally worked and everyone did great.  It was so cute because as soon as O-dog got onto the risers (he corrected us that it was not actually a stage but risers) the girls were so excited and calling out "brother, brother, hi brother".  He immediately responded by waving and they were so thrilled.

Here is a video, Sweet Pea was a little tired by the end and I have her in a wrap on my chest so that is what you can hear in the background.

Binney not wanting her picture taken

O's friend Camden who is also a twin

Yes I really sit them this far apart ensuring their is no fighting or spilling of drinks on each other.  They made a special punch for the Mother's which all 3 kids exclaimed "we are drinking beer", I think the people around us gave me that look but I was too busy to notice.  I did not get the punch so I have no idea what was in it but apparently it was just like having a beer.

peanut making the moves, she is looking for a husband so she can look like a princess at her wedding, boys watch out!

Friday, May 6, 2011

They're THREE!

The world is in trouble now, the girls turned three on tuesday and are now ready for the big time (preschool at least).  They are quite the team and I am honestly feeling quite bad for Mrs Sheppard next year, she is in for a big surprise compared to O-dog.
We had a little party for them with some of our old (in Air Force terms) friends from Del Rio, they all now have kids and it makes for a great play group.  Noni and Popi were also here although I didn't get a single picture of them, sometimes I think I lost my brain when I had Norah.  (I remember growing up we had a family with four kids down the street, I always thought the mother was so out of it and guess what?  I'm that mother now, I now know why she was like that and have much sympathy....)

they picked out the beads at the party store

blowing bubbles with Celeste

cake time

Eva giving Fin her gift (we will get back at you when you least expect it Lindsay).  This was one of their favorite gifts, not only does is play super loud music but also lights up and jumps around on it's own, just the kind of thing we need at our super quiet house...

Popi helping Fin with her gifts

Happy Birthday Girls, we love you!
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