Monday, January 14, 2013

We had a runaway

Keira packed her bag and ran away a few weeks ago, well actually walked up to her friends house to "sleepover" but still.  She'd been wanting to sleep over her friend Jordan's house for a while and we finally agreed to it on a friday night.  On wed she came outside in the afternoon with her bag all packed and announced she was ready to go.  I explained to her that it wasn't today and to go back in the house and unpack her stuff and come back out when she was done.  I was outside watching to other 3 kids play in the driveway.  She was inside for a while and I assumed she was unpacking and being mad at me (pretty standard around here).  Kevin came home and asked where Keira was to which I promptly responded in the house unpacking.  I am so bad about keeping my phone with me, like really bad.  I finally found and checked my phone, oh man.  I had messages and texts from a friend alerting me that Keira was in fact up at Jordan's house waiting outside with her suitcase.  She had snuck out the front door and walked up and over three streets to get there, rolling her not so small suitcase behind her.  I had to tell Kev, actually she's up at Kari's house with her suitcase and ya she walked up there alone.  After getting the worst mother of the year award and having her back at home safely I had to talk with her about it and explain that we don't ever walk anywhere without Mommy or Daddy.  Kev was ready to kill her so I figured I'd better do the talking to.  Of course I was so relived that she was safe and pretty impressed that she made it all the way there all by herself while toting her suitcase.  She is probably our most independent/self reliant child (totally gets that from me, to a fault most times) and she has little to no fear (maybe spiders).  We know have a lock that nobody can open on the front door to ensure nobody else escapes, just in case.
The picture above was taken on the day of the actual sleepover and yes she made it the whole night without coming home.


  1. I also ran away when Iwas 5 yrs old from my Aunt Josie, because she was having roast beef, 2 miles in Quincy. Love you Grammy

  2. She must get it from you Janet!


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