Friday, January 18, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Norah

Our baby will be two tomorrow, I swear I was just pregnant with her yesterday.  We celebrated last sunday before Kevin left, he is her all time favorite after all.  Being the fourth child of siblings very close in age she can hold her own.  She keeps us on our toes and is probably my most headstrong toddler, she knows what she wants and she'll get it or die trying.  She keeps up with the other three, bosses them around and doesn't back down.  She loves to read books, be outside, torture play with Mason and spend time with her Daddy.  She is a jokester and loves getting a rise out of her siblings.  She is the greatest surprise we could have asked for, we love you Norah!

1 comment:

  1. Congradulations Owen, for perfect attendence, and love the pictures. Grammy and Grandpa


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