Monday, January 7, 2013

Last day in Active Duty

Today is Kev's last day in the active duty, it's all we have known for the past 10+yrs.  While he's not leaving the military completely it's still quite a big change for us.  He had his fini flight from the squadron here in San Antonio a while back and I figured today is a good a day as any to post the photos (I'm slightly behind as usual).  While we transition to our new life in the MA guard I know we will both miss many aspects of our active duty life, namely the places and people we've be able to enjoy along the way.  I can honestly say I have enjoyed every single assignment we've had and met life long friends at every single one.  The Air Force has been good to us and I am proud of Kev for serving his country for the past 10yrs, looking forward to our new adventure!

Norah was not too happy with the jet noise and refused to wear the mickey mouse ears

after he lands they spray him down with water and champagne, of course he put up a major fight

she is still unhappy, now at the fact that they were spraying down daddy

the guys that flew in his fini with him

our friend Mark from way back at our first assignment ever, Del Rio (thanks for the photos Mark)

1 comment:

  1. You will always remember your military friends, congradulations Kevin. Love Nora's reaction to the splashing. love mom.


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