Wednesday, January 30, 2013

100 day project

Next wednesday is O's 100th day of school, a big deal in kinder.  We had to make a shirt for him to wear with 100 of something on it.  We started brainstorming and the ideas he came up with were: bb's, bullets, jets, straws, stickers.  After explaining to him why bb's or bullets weren't appropriate we came up with the idea of pennies.  He was reluctant at first since they were in fact his pennies from his piggy bank but when he realized it was only $1 he was on board.  He counted out his 100 pennies and was not satisfied with the dirty ones so we googled how to clean a penny and got to work.  First we soaked them in a vinegar/salt solution for 10mins, rinsed with warm water and checked to see how clean they'd come.  Still not satisfied we decided to try rubbing each penny with baking soda and sure enough they came pretty clean.

He then made sure we in fact had 100 shiny pennies, 10 groups of 10.

We then hot glued the pennies onto a t-shirt.  I suggested a big star shape but he insisted on the 100 theme, he's the boss.  We'll see how well the shirt stands up when he has to wear it next wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Great job Owen on your shirt. It's so cool. Grammy and Grandpa.


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