Saturday, April 23, 2011

Three months

Sweet Pea is three months old!  She is doing amazing minus the fact that she doesn't really want anything to do with daddy.  She will tolerated him for a few minutes at a time and then she wants back to mama, what can I say she's with me 99% of the time.  She is sleeping really good, goes down around 7:30, eats around 2-3am and then sleeps again until 8-9ish (on non-school days).  She is super alert, loves watching her brother/sisters play and would rather be up with us than sleeping during the day.  She talks a ton and is even starting to laugh which makes all the sleepless nights worth it. Since she won't really stay home with daddy she is my sidekick and comes everywhere with me, she's a great shopping buddy and hardly makes a peep in the stores.

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