Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Bunny did come after all

You'll remember this post about not having an Easter Bunny this year but alas he did show up.  I know I'm a few days late posting but I do have 4 kids after all and O-dog just went back to school today after having a week off...

Here are a few snapshots of our day:

we started off with their baskets and a small egg hunt in the house.  Binney with her glowing/spinning egg thing.

all his loot

a meeting of the minds to see who got what

Peanut cracking the cascarones on her own head, probably bad luck or something

now O-dog is going to take over the cracking for her

Binney didn't want to crack hers

this is why we hid these outside

the best I could do at a group photo, nobody wanted to look at me of course

Next year we'll have to amp up the hiding cause they found the loot too fast this year.  Hope everyone had a great day!

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