Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Easter Wolf

a boy and his dog

innocent enough

We had a slight "incident" at our house the other day involving some cute wildlife so if you're into protecting animals you may not want to read this post...

I was in my room trying to get dressed/feed baby so I sent the 3 big kids out back to play.  Fin comes running into my room a few minutes later "mom come outside quick Mason is eating a bunny rabbit".  I run to find some type of shirt to put on fearing that they are traumatized out back by what is going on.  Once making it to the crime scene with baby in tow I find all 3 of them huddled around Mason in awe.  Owen saying "mom isn't that cool Mason ate the bunny".  There is nothing left, no fur, nothing.  I tell all 3 kids to come up and play on the porch  and I'll be done in a minute, go back in to finally feed hungry baby.  From my open window I hear yelling "Mason there are more bunnies over here".  I am now mortified that they are showing him where the bunnies are.  I quickly stop feeding baby, run back outside only to find that he has now eaten 3 more bunnies that were in a nest near our swingset.  I ask Owen is they were babies, he says "no mom they were Grandpa's".  Again all 3 kids are standing around him in awe.  I quickly tell them to please stop showing Mason where the bunnies are, leave the bunnies alone please.  Owen says "but mom Mason is hungry and he only eats the bunnies in our yard, there are plenty of bunnies in other peoples yards".  "Yes I understand that but Mason eats dog food and not bunnies, we feed him plenty of food so that he does not need to eat wildlife".

(Mason is a rescue dog that we found in bad shape in Del Rio, he will eat anything that he can catch so I don't blame him)

When Daddy got home from work he had a talk with the kids about not hurting animals and leaving the wildlife alone.  I am glad nobody was traumatized seeing a bunny rabbit eaten whole but am slightly nervous that they were so intrigued by it....

I don't think any Easter Bunny is going to come near our house this year, maybe more like the Easter Wolf as to not get eaten.

clearly this superhero doesn't save bunnies

and neither do his sidekicks

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it! I kinda hope that my girlies would respond the same way! Is that bad?! ;)


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