Thursday, April 14, 2011


It's Fiesta time here in San Antonio, a 10 day party that you can read more about here.  We got all our necessary Fiesta garb from O-dog's school today.  We are going to his school celebration tonight and now everyone is all ready!

Fiesta is all about bright colors, parades, food & fun.  He had to wear a bright colored shirt to school today and then he got his chili pepper necklace, the girls got their flower crowns.  O-dog got this pop from the King and Queen of the school celebration, he's never had a pop this big and was beside himself when he got home.  

Here is O-dog's explanation of Fiesta for your viewing pleasure.

1 comment:

  1. Chili pepper necklaces? what?! Im so jealous. As you know, the closest thing we have to a fiesta is the sunday line at wal-mart. Looks like fun Welchy's, Erin you are super mom!


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