Friday, June 25, 2010

Visit Home

Here are a few photos from our visit home last month.  The kids had a great time although it takes them a little while to adjust to seeing so many new people.  This is one of the hardest things about being a military family, the kids don't really know their extended family.  We only come home about once a year at the most so they forget everyone and have to start over every time.  O has a blast with his cousins Riley and Harlin and asked if he could see them almost everyday we were home.  The girls had fun with their cousin Hannah who is only 10mths younger than them.  Hopefully as they get older we'll be able to make more trips home, it's hard to drag 3 kids too far away from home.

Taking a trip to Popi's shed, their favorite hangout

sitting in Pa's big pumptruck

jumping in the crib with cousin Hannah

playing in the pool with Pa

relaxing with Popi

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