Sunday, June 13, 2010

Last day in VA

I am so far behind blogging because of our move and we are currently 'hijacking' internet from our neighborhood so it is super unreliable.  Here is where we left off, our last day in VA.  Our great friends came to say goodbye and although I don't think any of the kids quite got it I know us moms did.  It makes me so sad. for O especially. knowing he may never see some of his old VA friends again, sure he'll make new ones wherever we are but it still breaks my heart when he has to say goodbye.  I have a feeling Luke may be down for a visit though since we do have a Sea World here in San Antonio and whales are his favorite.

O and Luke playing some sort of construction notice the dirt they brought into the street

Most of the group minus K and F

Now that we have kids involved saying goodbye is definitely going to be the hardest part of moving and it's only going to get harder as they get bigger.  Sure as adults we can talk to our old friends whenever we want but the kids just don't have that luxury, not yet at least.

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