Saturday, June 26, 2010

O's work site

There is still a lot of construction going on in our neighborhood and O is in heaven.  He has many 'work sites' that are his once the regular crew goes home.  On weekends Kev takes the kids to sit on the equipment and explore O's worksite.  K and F are his coworkers and take their jobs very seriously, good thing they are not afraid to get dirty.

F helping O get his truck up the hill

talk about off roading

back with his load to dump

c'mon girls we have work to do

what is wrong with this photo?

Yes that is K pushing the mower with a bike helmet on, Kev has a drill to fix the back of O's truck to make dumping his load easier.  Mind you it's probably over 100 degrees at this point and everyone is beat red but not slowing them down at all.  

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Luke really wants to help O at this worksite! I can totally hear how he must be about safety rules at the work site, too! I miss you guys!


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