Monday, June 28, 2010

THE birds

So we have 2 birds that have been torturing us since we moved in, like pure torture I never thought a bird could inflict.  They fly at the windows 100's of times a day, front, back, side whatever.  They start around 6am and go for about 2hrs and then come back around 7:30pm for another 2hrs or so.  They are relentless and fly at the windows non-stop and don't even slow down after a few good hits.  What is worse is that they wake the kids up too early in the morning and we all know that is a big no no in the Welch house.  So Kev and O have been on a mission for the past week to take care of the birds, I knew it was not a good idea but who listens to me anyway.  So far no luck but I could have told you that, Kev has bigger plans in the works but I think I've put a squash on them for a while.

I normally don't promote a 3yo learning how to shoot anything but this bird is driving me crazy and O wants in on the action and we are in TX after all (yea I've definitely lost my mind).  With a little more practice maybe they will finally get 'em, fingers crossed.

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