Sunday, January 31, 2010

VA snow

We had a BIG storm in VA and my kids are so not winter kids, as you can tell on K's face....  They lasted all of 10mins outside and acted like they were dying from the cold.  Good thing we don't get snow often.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow storm cupcakes

We are getting a BIG storm here in VA and we don't even own a shovel....  While the girls were napping O and I made some 'snow storm cupcakes' any reason for cupcakes in this house is valid.  They turned out nice and he dove in as soon as they were done.  The girls will be thrilled when they wake up.

Friday, January 29, 2010


These eyes are going to be the death of me, I am going to be THAT crazy mother.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cabin Fever

We are slowly going crazy here in VA, the weather has been cold an rainy for what seems like forever now.  I know it may not seem cold to most of you but it is cold for the kids and I, we are wimps after being in TX so long.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stone soup day

I am wayyy behind with the blog, Kev has been working a ton and I have not had a lot of free time.  Anyway last week O had stone soup day at school, since they are not in school for Fathers Day they put together this special day instead.  O was so excited to have Kev go to school with him, his class had been working on different songs/crafts for the past few weeks just for their Dad's.  They had a great time and if I can figure it out I'll try to post the video Kev took.

Here is the whole gang before they left for school

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I do exist

I swear there are absolutely no photos of me anywhere, partly because Kev doesn't really know how to use our camera and partly because I am the one who is always home to take the pictures.  Well I went to a photography class this weekend and learned a lot, it was a great weekend all to myself....  So I set the camera up for Kev and he took some photos of us playing at the Botanical Garden.  He did a great job and of course had some great light to work with, now my kids will actually know I was there!

Jumbo Jet

O loves jumbo jets, he is dying to go on one sometime soon.  We were at the Norfolk Airport on Sunday and he got to see some up close, he was thrilled.  You could even see the pilots waving to him, can't you just see the excitement on his face.  I promised him we will go on a jumbo jet soon.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The VA Aquarium

We took the kids to the VA aquarium on sunday, it's been super cold out here and we were sick of being in the house.  O fell asleep on the way down, the car has this magic effect on him it happens every time.  K held his hand the whole way there it was so precious!  She also held F's most of the time, well when they weren't hitting or touching each other.  The aquarium was kinda a bummer but they seemed to like it and that's all that matters.

This is the touch tank, the kid took his job very seriously and was talking to my kids like they were adults, they were very interested in what he was saying.  Something about horseshoe crabs being older than dinosaurs, millions of years old.  They would not touch anything but listened to him talk for quite a while, if only I knew his secret!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Cowboy

I got these amazing FRYE boots last week, they were on a slight sale and I fell in love with them.  Whenever they are downstairs O likes to wear them, he practices being a cowboy, he is a cowboy after all since he was born in TX (that's what he tells us).  Yes as close as a native of MA can get to being a cowboy...
Don't pay attention to the fact that they are on the wrong feet, cowboys do that sometimes.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

new phone

K would love a new iphone, this girl is gonna be expensive!

Feeding baby

My girlfriend came over the other day with her son and 9wk old daughter, a baby!  O would not let the baby out of his sight, he was so in love with her.  K was very interested too but only from a distance she didn't want to get too close especially once she noticed the baby was moving, none of her babies move??  Anyway she asked if I minded if she nursed the baby, of course I said no since I had nursed all 3 of mine.  Well O was very interested in what she was doing, like 2 inches from her boob.  He asked a million questions and I felt so bad although she didn't seem to mind.  So after she left he ran over to get one of the girls babies and started feeding his baby with his milk.  It was so cute I had to take a picture, he was so serious about it and then told all of us to be quiet because he had to put his baby to bed.  He wanted to know where we could get a baby, a baby brother of course!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


So the girls are finally getting some hair, at 20mths mind you.  K's hair is getting crazy, like really bad mullet crazy but I just don't want to cut it.  What little hair she does have that kinda makes her look girly is getting all crazy in the back.

This is her version of look at mommy and smile, every single time.

 F's is growing in slightly more even, she just has a bad case of hat head with all this cold weather.  Would you cut it to avoid the mullet or push through the whole mullet stage till it looks pretty again?

Monday, January 4, 2010

BIG boy resolution

O has a big time resolution for this year, he's finally going to sleep in a 'big boy' bed. He's been jumping in and out of his crib since he was 20mths but would not even entertain the thought of a bed. We've tried several times and he wouldn't even lay down till he got his crib back. He is a big time creature of habit and one little thing can really set off his routine. Well new year's day he came into our room and said he was ready for a big boy bed, not like he knew it was time for a resolution. So here we go, I hope it works out this time!

You may notice he is also growing his hair out longer than we usually keep it. He is actually terrified of getting his haircut and I am his barber. It's not a pretty sight once the clippers come out he goes crazy, we usually have to restrain him and just get to it. So to not torture him for a little while we're gonna let him grow it out. As soon as it starts getting warmer the whiffle will be back, whether he likes it or not. This is gonna big a big year for O!

Friday, January 1, 2010


People always ask me what kind of necklaces my girls wear, they get tons of compliments on them. Being the fashionista that I obviously am (haha) they are not really for look but instead serve a very important purpose in a baby's life. They are amber teething necklaces and I SWEAR by them, I wished I had known about them for O too. You can read more about them here, that is where I got theirs. Even Kev wears one for headaches he'd been having. My girls are never cranky from teething and don't need anything for their pain besides their necklace, I've never taken it off them since the day we got it.
Don't mind the crazy pictures but they were what I could find to see their bling.


Kev and I decided we'd play scrabble on New Year's Eve, so exciting I know! Anyway Kev got to start the game and this was the first word he put down, oh boy it's gonna be a long game. I don't think he'd ever actually played before although he insisted he had. The game did get better but there were several more words we had to check on in the dictionary he wanted to use, most of them did not exist. I am not a great speller by any means and now we know neither is Kev, our kids are in trouble come homework time.

Aren't K's toenails just DAVINE??? This is the first time we've ever painted them, I was painting my fingernails and of course she had to have hers done. She sat like a statue while I did them and we blew on them to dry. She couldn't really walk at first because she couldn't figure out what was on her toes but she quickly got used to them and was showing them off. I asked F if she wanted me to paint hers and she said 'no no' 'no no' but I'm sure she'll changer her mind a little later, what girl doesn't love a great pedicure.

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