Friday, May 6, 2011

They're THREE!

The world is in trouble now, the girls turned three on tuesday and are now ready for the big time (preschool at least).  They are quite the team and I am honestly feeling quite bad for Mrs Sheppard next year, she is in for a big surprise compared to O-dog.
We had a little party for them with some of our old (in Air Force terms) friends from Del Rio, they all now have kids and it makes for a great play group.  Noni and Popi were also here although I didn't get a single picture of them, sometimes I think I lost my brain when I had Norah.  (I remember growing up we had a family with four kids down the street, I always thought the mother was so out of it and guess what?  I'm that mother now, I now know why she was like that and have much sympathy....)

they picked out the beads at the party store

blowing bubbles with Celeste

cake time

Eva giving Fin her gift (we will get back at you when you least expect it Lindsay).  This was one of their favorite gifts, not only does is play super loud music but also lights up and jumps around on it's own, just the kind of thing we need at our super quiet house...

Popi helping Fin with her gifts

Happy Birthday Girls, we love you!

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