Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Goats everywhere

I took O, peanut and sweet pea to a goat ranch this morning to see baby goats (Daddy took Binney to a dermatologist appointment).  I think I must have been a goat in a previous life, the pictures will explain.  The first thing the kids got to do was feed the orphan goats their bottles, there were 9 babies that had lost their mothers at birth so were strictly bottle fed (3 sets of triplets).  The ranch owner said it is very hard when the goats have more than two babies at a time both in their birth and then being able to properly take care of all three babies.

I feel just like this mama, wanting to run from my kids too

peanut and O feeding their babies

peanut was so excited

goats came running from everywhere, again similar to my life hardly being able to move without someone being attached to you

it makes a big difference only having to care for one baby at a time (sweet pea)

The kids had such a great time, although we live in Texas we hardly ever see any type of farm or any animals for that matter.  They got to run around like crazy with all the goats and be kids, I'd love to have some type of ranch like this someday.  I asked the owner what he did with all the goats, he sells them to the local 4-H clubs.  They are a special breed of goat used for meat, not milk and they are not cheap (each baby goes for between $200-$300).  I'm going to try to make it back again maybe with Kev and Binney next time.

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