Friday, May 20, 2011


We went to our first play ever thursday morning, Pinkalicious at the Magik Theatre downtown.  I really debated going but figured the girls would really enjoy it plus it was only 45mins so I figured we could probably make it through.  We had to sit in the first row because there were a million school field trips there as well (my worst nightmare).  While walking through the parking lot, all of us holding hands since I had just given them a big rules talk in the car, we ran into O's buddy from school.  O was immediately excited to be there which helped since he wasn't too thrilled knowing it was a girlish play.  The big kids did awesome and didn't move the whole play, Norah was less than thrilled with all the loud music and I spent most of the time in the hallway with her.  I didn't get too many pictures for that reason but I did manage a few (my camera is acting up and I have to bring it in to get fixed).

waiting for the show to begin

the main character

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