Friday, July 23, 2010

We're expecting

As most of you know we're expecting baby #4 in January, a big surprise but a blessing all the same.  We are nervous and excited at the same time, 4 kids seem like so many.  I will have 4 kids ages 4 and under to take care of on a daily basis, I need to clone myself.  This time around will be a little different since O is much older than when the girls came along (he was only 18mths) and I will have also 2 little helpers who LOVE babies.  This little one is going to have to adapt to our busy lifestyle and get used to coming along wherever we need to go, I don't see many naps at home in the crib.  We are not going to find out the sex although Kev really wants to I think it is one of the only true surprises in life.  Since it is the 4th time around we need something to keep the birth exciting!
Here is our new addition:

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