Monday, July 5, 2010

No dresses here

I am not very girly and apparently my daughters are following in my footsteps.  I NEVER put them in dresses except when we are leaving the pool, they are not really compatible with their lifestyle.  They have no dress up clothes and don't even really know what dress up is.  They do have a few babies, missing most of their clothes and filthy from playing in the dirt.  They love to use their blankets as super hero capes and would rather get dirty than play in the house.  K will hunt and pick up any bug in her path, no matter how big and how creepy, things even O would not touch.  They do have their fingers and toes painted most of the time, that is as girly as we get around here.

F taking her golf club for a ride

Now she's gonna take it for a ride on her tractor

 a sight for sore eyes

make sure you wear your helmet while pushing the mower

I'm sure the day will come when they discover princesses and fairies and all that stuff but for now I'll keep it all a secret.

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