Monday, July 12, 2010

Guadalupe River State Park

We love visiting new outdoor places wherever we live, especially those that include water (it's HOT here in Texas).  I'm all about making the most of our local area wherever we move to, get out there and explore (even if it's a little tricky with 3 little ones to tote along).  This one was definitely a big hit, although a bit crowded because of the 4th of July holiday.  It was a great place for the kids because the river was shallow, Kev or I could walk across to the other side, and there were plenty of rocks to play with.  The water was refreshingly cool for this area and pretty clean since it was flowing at a pretty good speed.  We could have stayed for hours but it was getting late and the kids were getting hungry but we'll go back again for sure!

Kev took the more adventurous ones to the other side (F stayed with me)

O swimming

K finding rocks and shells

 Snack time

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