Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pumpkin Carving 2012

This year the kids upped the ante on our pumpkin carving skills.  Fin picked snow white, Keira picked a bat-cat and Owen picked some crazy church on hill spooky scene.  Not wanting to disappoint Kevin obliged and started with Finley's pumpkin, it took a lot longer than they had the attention span for.  By then end I think Kev and I were the only two left interested in the pumpkins, until they were all done of course.  I think next year we'll stick the good old jack-o-latern..

Can you see snow white?

I totally spaced and didn't take pictures of the other two pumpkins, I think we were just happy to be done carving the darn things.  All that work and they lasted about 2 days in the heat down here before they starting rotting and falling apart, sheesh!

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