Saturday, November 17, 2012

Basil soup

My garden didn't do so well this year, it's so hard to actually grow stuff in this heat.  My basil did do awesome and I had some big beautiful plants that I was oh-so-gently taking care of.  We use a lot of basil in cooking, esp in Kevin's pasta sauce and homemade pesto right before the cold weather hits.  Cut to wednesday afternoon while I was making dinner, the girls were playing outback:

Yes, that's all my delicious basil in our firepit being turned into "basil soup".  I took the photos from the porch so they didn't see me, the damage had already been done so I just had to catch them on camera.  I wanted to cry but also had to laugh because when they knew I was mad they took it all back out to "plant" in the garden again.  Of all the stuff in the yard they could have made into soup they just had to choose my basil....  Isn't the last picture hysterical, Keira is mad at me for looking at them, huh.

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