Saturday, June 9, 2012

Nickel Ranch visit 2012

We visited Nickel Ranch goat farm again this year, here is last years visit.  I only had the girls with me this year since it was a tuesday and O was at school.  It is such a fun thing to do with the kids, they love seeing all the baby goats and especially love being able to bottle feed them.  Finley was a bit hesitant when the goats started eating her clothes but warmed up to them eventually.  Norah was in heaven chasing around baby goats just about her size, she loves animals.

baby goats everywhere

apparently "kids" of all species like to get into trouble

 that looks fun let me try

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures of Norah and the goats,don't you all want one for a pet. Love you Grammy and Grandpa.


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