Thursday, June 14, 2012

Freddy's frozen custard

We have to pick up our milk on wednesdays and we drive by Freddy's on the way home, we get raw milk from a "pick up" house in San Antonio.  Since its summer break and the kids are home all day we decided we'd stop there on the way back for some custard.  Keira always requests french fries so we got those first and then came the dirt and worms sundaes, their all time favorite due the large amount of gummy worms on top that I would never let them eat.  After getting them all situated in the booth I have to get up about a million times for all the other stuff they need, ketchup/napkins/new spoons and whatever else may fall onto the floor.  Let's just say its by no means a relaxing lunch out experience for Mama.

notice the poor guy behind us that thought he was gonna have a nice quite lunch break, oh no not with the welch clan in the house 

 Norah is like a vulture with anything sweet, I blame Kev for feeding her sweet tooth all-the-time

everyone went home happy with a severe sugar high, hey it's summer right??

1 comment:

  1. Frozen custard looks delicious, you capture such great pictures and situations, always look forward to mseeing them. Thankyou Grammy and Grandpa


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