Thursday, June 21, 2012

mosaic tiles

My aunt sent the kids these mosaic tiles for their birthday, they were so excited to finally be able to make their own.  Our neighbor has one by their driveway and every single time we walk by their house they have to stop and look at it, they've asked a million times when they could make one.  Honestly I wasn't even sure where you buy them since I really don't shop, ever.  Popi was here when they got them so I knew it would be the perfect craft for him to help out with.  I think the first few times we added a bit too much water so by the time O made his we had perfected our concrete mix.  Here are the finished products.

 Keira's - notice the flower on the right and the yellow up in the sky

Finley's - she used all of her jewels as "fingernails"


I'm going to try to keep up this tradition and have them make one each year.  I love personalized artwork and it'll be fun to see how their crafting skill improve each year.  I've gotta make sure to remember to take them when we move... Oh ya and find out where she got them...

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